Version history for the LLNCS LaTeX2e class

 date     filename      version   action/reason/acknowledgements
25.02.25  llncs.cls        2.26   replace minus characters in ORCID ids by hyphens

21.10.24  llncs.cls        2.25   more bugfixes for the babel language switches

29.01.24  llncs.cls        2.24   bugfixes for options envcountsame and envcountsect

02.11.23  llncs.cls        2.23   \ackname changed from "Acknowledgements" (BE) to
                                  "Acknowledgments" (AE).
                                  \discintname introduced for the new, mandatory
                                  section "Disclosure of Interests".
                                  New "credits" environment introduced to provide
                                  small run-in headings for "Acknowledgments" and
                                  the "Disclosure of Interests".

05.09.22  llncs.cls        2.22   robust redefinition of \vec (bold italics), bug
                                  reported by Alexander Malkis, TUM

12.01.22  llncs.cls        2.21   fixed German and French \maketitle, bug reported by
                                  Alexander Malkis, Technical University of Munich;
                                  use detokenized argument in the definition of \doi
                                  to allow underscores in DOIs

10.03.18  llncs.cls        2.20   adjusted \doi according to CrossRef requirements;
                                  TOC: removed affiliation numbers

          splncs04.bst            added doi field;
                                  bold journal numbers

          samplepaper.tex         new sample paper

          llncsdoc.pdf            new LaTeX class documentation

04.09.17  llncs.cls        2.19   introduced \orcidID command

27.09.13  llncs.cls        2.18   fixed "ngerman" incompatibility; solution provided
                                  by Bastian Pfleging, University of Stuttgart

15.04.10  llncs.cls        2.17   fixed missing switch "openright" used by \backmatter;
                                  flaw reported by Tobias Pape, University of Potsdam

15.04.10  llncs.cls        2.16   fixed hyperref warning for informatory TOC entries;
                                  introduced \keywords command - finally;
                                  blank removed from \keywordname, flaw reported
                                  by Armin B. Wagner, IGW TU Vienna

30.03.10  llncs.cls        2.15   fixed broken hyperref interoperability;
                                  patch provided by Sven Koehler,
                                  Hamburg University of Technology

15.06.09  splncs03.bst            new BibTeX style compliant with the current
                                  requirements, provided by Maurizio "Titto"
                                  Patrignani of Universita' Roma Tre

11.12.07  llncs.doc               note on online visibility of given e-mail address

16.10.06  llncs.dem               removed affiliations from \tocauthor demo

14.06.06  splncs_srt.bst          a sorting BibTeX style for LNCS, feature
                                  provided by Tobias Heindel, FMI Uni-Stuttgart

07.03.06  splncs.bst              fix for BibTeX entries without year; patch
                                  provided by Jerry James, Utah State University

17.08.04  llncs.cls        2.14   TOC: authors indented, smart \and handling
                                  for the TOC suggested by Thomas Gabel
                                  University of Osnabrueck

28.01.02  llncs.cls        2.13   fixed the fix (programmer needs vacation)

28.01.02  llncs.cls        2.12   fixed footnote fix; error reported by
                                  Chris Mesterharm, CS Dept. Rutgers - NJ
23.01.02  llncs.cls        2.11   fixed footnote number confusion with
                                  \thanks, numbered institutes, and normal
                                  footnote entries; error reported by
                                  Saverio Cittadini, Istituto Tecnico
                                  Industriale "Tito Sarrocchi" - Siena

14.08.01  llncs.cls        2.10   TOC: authors flushleft,
                                  entries without hyphenation; suggested
                                  by Wiro Niessen, Imaging Center - Utrecht

20.06.01  splncs.bst              public release of a BibTeX style for LNCS,
                                  nobly provided by Jason Noble

17.01.01  llncs.cls        2.9    hardwired texts made polyglot,
                                  available languages: english (default),
                                  french, german - all are "babel-proof"

16.04.00  llncs.cls        2.8    new option "orivec" to preserve the original
                                  vector definition, read "arrow" accent

02.03.00  llncs.cls        2.7    \figurename and \tablename made compatible
                                  to babel, suggested by Jo Hereth, TU Darmstadt;
                                  definition of \url moved \AtBeginDocument
                                  (allows for url package of Donald Arseneau),
                                  suggested by Manfred Hauswirth, TU of Vienna;
                                  \large for part entries in the TOC

27.04.99  llncs.cls        2.6    new command \thisbottomragged for the
                                  actual page; indention of the footnote
                                  made variable with \fnindent (default 1em);
                                  new command \url that copys its argument

12.01.99  llncs.cls        2.5    counters of orthogonal numbered special
                                  environments are reset each new contribution

20.11.98  llncs.cls        2.4    pagestyle "titlepage" - useful for
                                  compilation of whole LNCS volumes

16.04.98  llncs.cls        2.3    if option "oribibl" is given, extend the
                                  thebibliograpy hook with "\small", suggested
                                  by Clemens Ballarin, University of Cambridge

25.03.98  llncs.cls        2.3    new class option "oribibl" to suppress
                                  changes to the thebibliograpy environment
                                  and retain pure LaTeX codes - useful
                                  for most BibTeX applications

07.01.98  llncs.cls        2.2    changed \email to simply switch to \tt

11.12.97  llncs.cls        2.2    "general" headings centered; two new elements
                                  for the article header: \email and \homedir;
                                  complete revision of special environments:
                                  \newtheorem replaced with \spnewtheorem,
                                  introduced the theopargself environment;
                                  two column parts made with multicol package;
                                  add ons to work with the hyperref package

08.06.97  llncs.cls        2.1a   revision a corrects:
                                  unbreakable citation lists, reported by
                                  Sergio Antoy of Portland State University

16.04.97  all files        2.1    leaving beta state,
                                  raising version counter to 2.1

25.07.96  llncs.cls               revision a corrects:
                                  wrong size of text area, floats not \small,
                                  some LaTeX generated texts
                                  reported by Michael Sperber, Uni Tuebingen

10.06.96  llncs.cls               problems with fragile commands in \author field
                                  reported by Michael Gschwind, TU Wien

30.05.96  llncs.cls               incompatibility with new article.cls of
                                  1995/12/20 v1.3q Standard LaTeX document class,
                                  \if@openbib is no longer defined,
                                  reported by Ralf Heckmann and Graham Gough
                                  solution by David Carlisle

29.05.96  letter.txt       beta   naming problems (subject index file)
                                  thanks to Dr. Martin Held, Salzburg, AT

          subjindx.ind            renamed to subjidx.ind as required
                                  by llncs.dem

          history.txt             introducing this file